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Causal AI Workshop
Information and Announcements
Essential Workshop Information and Links
A Causal Inference Workflow
The Causal Inference Workflow (6:46)
Forming the Inference Question (4:14)
Building the Causal DAG (19:26)
Identification: Can Your Data Answer Your Question?
Trying Different Estimators (3:47)
Refutation: Testing Your Assumptions (3:26)
Causality and Directed Graphical Models
The Data-Generating Process and the Causal DAG
Reasoning about Probability with the DAG
Training a Causal Generative Model on a DAG
Assessment: Modeling with DAGs
Building and Testing your DAG with Data
D-Separation and Colliders (6:25)
Using D-Separation to Describe Conditional Independence (4:42)
Assessment - Validating the Markov Property
Markov Equivalence (2:24)
Partially Directed Acyclic Graphs and Markov Equivalence (1:51)
Coding Equivalence and PDAGs (1:56)
Dealing with Latent Variables
Causal Faithfulness (1:06)
Causal Discovery 101: How (Not) to Learn Graphs from Data
Theory of Interventions
Introduction to Interventions (3:33)
Modeling Interventions with a DAG
Assessment - Interventions via Graph Surgery
Causal Effects and Interventions (6:44)
Practical Guidelines for Intervention Modeling
Reasoning about Causal Effect Inference
Identifiability for Causal Queries (2:29)
Introduction to Identification Algorithms
The Backdoor Estimand (7:35)
Identifying the Backdoor Estimand
Graphical identification with the do-calculus (2:07)
Front-door Adjustment (1:49)
Assessment - Do-Calculus and Backdoor Adjustment
Causal Effect Estimation with DoWhy
Backdoor Adjustment with Linear Regression
Backdoor Adjustment with Propensity Scores (8:13)
Machine Learning Methods for Backdoor Adjustment
Front-Door Adjustment with Linear Regression
Instrumental Variable Estimation (10:47)
Potential Outcomes Framework and Assumptions (8:11)
Assessment - Statistical Methods for Causal Inference
Combining Probabilistic Deep Learning and Causal Graphical Models
Programming Probabilistic Generative Models of Causality
Training a Causal Image Model with Variational Inference
The Value of Generative Anticausal ML (6:23)
Causal Identification in Probabilistic Causal Models (10:15)
Deep Bayesian Graphical Causal Inference with Variational Inference
Wrapping Up
You did it! Next steps.
Assessment - Statistical Methods for Causal Inference
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